My garden is continuing to change and is begining to show signs of new growth. Guillermo erected a trellis for both the beans and the cucumbers. It looks great! He even gave me some corn plants that he wasn't going to use, since he has the greenest of thumbs he always has a LOT of seedlings. I'll be taking more pictures next week.
On Friday, Guillermo was there and was excited to show me all the things he'd done. I've gotta say...I wish my garden had looked like this last year! It's beautiful. One thing I've noticed is that the Hispanic and European gardeners tend to get a whole lot more in their gardens than theirAmerican counterparts. I currently have tomatoe plants, beans, cucumbers, 2 kinds of squash, cilantro and something else i can't think of right this minute, but planting this way I have sooooooooo much space left over! I'll have to make another trip or two to the nursery. I asked Guillermo if he had any ideas of what could go in the empty space, but he didn't either...maybe sunflowers..but it's such a big space...don't know...I'll have to get inspired at the nursery.
We had our first Solstice Parade Staff meeting Wednesday night. It was great to see so many familiar faces and so many new one's too. Us veterans always approach having Solstice virgins on the staff with some trepidation ie., it either works or it doesn't. One year we (the float builders) had to explain to the TECHNICAL director numerous times why his suggestions wouldn't work. A little frustrating to say the least. We all agree that getting in new blood is a good thing, but an interview in an office is not a real good indicator of how someone builds, works with others, follows directions, can problem solve, how they are under pressure, and probably most important...can they multi-task! Time will tell. The workshop is already set up. A first. Usually it opens in the last week of May or first week in June. It's thrilling to see it slowly coming to life!
"The boys" are actually going to be building the frame of my little tropical shack next week-again, a first. The idea is that in the next week I'll be able to walk in and get started. Can't wait :-)
Friday was my first Hand Therpy appointment...OUCH...I now, however, have something resembling a hand rather than a claw, and my fingers are actually starting to stand up! YEAH!! I have slowly been able to use my hand every now and then, and find myself saying, "Wow, look at that! I couldn't do that before." Ahh the simple pleasures...I was able to put face stuff on using two hands...and I didn't have to turn myself into a pretzel to do it :-) or be in pain..wooohooo.
Yesterday, I got up early to go take a seafood cooking class, which subsequently got cancelled due to low numbers...but she gave us the recipes anyway. There's even one using agar agar instead of gelatin (similar to MJ's chill over powder). I'll post it here soon.
Since I had time on my hands I decided to finally make a trip down to Walmart to look for fabric for aprons and things for my costume. I didn't buy any fabric, but I did find some great things to add to my costume. After my little excursion I came home and got a lot of my Sunday chores out of the way...2 loads of laundry being the most impressive. I even had time at the end of the day to sit down and watch all the shows I'd saved over the week. It was crazy foggy. You know the kind where you can barely see across the street. Bleech!
today is not as foggy, which isn't really saying much...it's the kind that makes you want to stay in your pj's all day and bake....which is exactly what I'm going to do! I'm off to make a wheat and white flour-free, dairy-free, yeast-free, sugar-free pizza. It's really good! Oh, and I should probably put the laundry away :-]