Saturday, May 12, 2007

The good news is...

...the garden is growing like crazy! As you can see from the pictures the plants really enjoyed the hot weather-too bad that it only lasted a few days. It was back to fog and mid 60's for the rest of the week.

Here's a full shot of the garden. The corn has grown so much that as I walked near my garden I looked at it and said, "Holy ________! Look at the corn!!" I can't believe how big it has grown in just a few days. It has at least doubled in size. I am soooo excited!

I discovered some more squash growing too! Almost every single pattipan plant has babies on it now.

I love this under the leaves shot. I had to practically turn myself into a pretzel to get it, but I think it's pretty good and creative...if I do say so myself :-)

The zucchini plants are starting to show signs of small flowers.

Here's the magical corn...

Strangely, it looks as if the one's on the right are growing a little bigger than the one's on the left. I'm not sure why since there's nothing blocking any of the plants in any direction.

Group photo:

And a single portrait...we call him 'Bob'.

Even the lettuce seemed to double in size! I had my first salad (well, just the lettuce part) on Wednesday and it was good. There's nothing like fresh lettuce. Delicious.

Here's a tomatoe I discovered hiding. This was obviously taken before I watered ;-) Most of the tomatoe plants are starting to produce small buds, but unfortunately one of them is getting brown and not growing.
I don't know about this picture...the beans look like their in jail and peering through the fence...although they seem happy.

On the Flamingo front...

*Nothing and I do mean nothing happened with the float since I last saw it LAST saturday. When I went down to the workshop , not only had nothing happend on our float, but some person (who shall remain nameless) moved/relocated my WHOLE area that I had claimed as mine (you know-told the executive director; decorated it; wrote my name on the table that was specially built for us. Needless to say-I was not a happy camper!! At first I couldn't even find my table or the float base. All I saw was some one had moved their float into my space. Eventually my stuff was located. After talking with several people who totally backed me up I talked to the Exec. Director and after having a very strange conversation (no eye contact-from her, lots of flinging her hair around, short and not very concise sentences, and some noises she acquised and admitted that she had told them that they could BUILD in the area, but that they then needed to move into the center. Well, apparently someone forgot to give them the memo on that. I mean, come on. There's really no need for them to move their float in the first place, since they could just hook up an extenstion cord and still do the same work they were doing, just in the middle. Curses!! Phew! So...everything got worked out...I hope. I talked to the dude who's currently in charge and new at the workshop (although a friend of said Exec. Dir.) and he was miffed when I asked if he could keep an eye on the situation to make sure that it doesn't continue happening as it is very frustrating to have to go and relocate all of your stuff when you show up. All I got was a blank look. GREAT! I swear I had to explain the situation to him 3 times before he got the hang of it. And, everytime I explained my explantation became more and more simple and shorter until finally he got it.

On a more positive note...I got together with the seamstress/costume gal and we think we have the hang of the costumes, so we can make a prototype soon. On Friday I was at a school to serve some of the children I see and I ran into a guy who was lost (how fortutitis). Turns out he has a business of installing "sports lawns" ie., fancy astro turf. I couldn't believe it! Talk about fate. Every time I tried to get astro turf my sources wouldn't be available and I had just resigned myself to the fact that maybe I'd have to buy the darned stuff and then TA DA...I talked to the grass man and...he says he was "just about to throw out some stuff" and that I could have it! I love how things sometimes work out like this!!!!!! I just have to call him next week and arrange a time and place.

Also, my friend Kim, who is in our group, came by with a box of Large and small flamingos!!! Whooohoooo! We have enough to make the float look fabulous! The school she works at had a fundraising event at the VERY fancy hotel at the edge of town (many a celebrity has been known to hang out there) and at the end of the event she gathered the flamingos and dropped them off. It was a very happy moment to say the least. I'm going to add pictures tomorrow.

Remember-Monday is National Apron Day

1 comment:

joshua said...

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Feel free off course to comment as you wish and remember: don't take it wrong, don't think that this visitation I make was a matter of more audiences for my own blogg. No. It's a matter of making universal, realy universal, all this question of bloggs.

I think it's to UNITE MANKIND! Don't see language as an obstacle. That's not the point. Open your heart and come along!!!!!