My oh has been raining now for about 2-1/2 days straight. Last night it was pouring with rain so loudly that it kept waking me up. So far we haven't had any mudslides. We've certainly learned from the past mistakes when the hill has slid into the street and also a few years ago when a sink hole appeared and closed one part of our street for 3 years (while the city, county, etc decided who the road really belonged to before they fixed it!)
In spite of the rain, or maybe because of it, I got lots of things done today. I started out with my usual Sunday breakfast pancakes, read the LA Times, did some hand washing, sewed a really cute reversible headband, and made a reversible tote bag that I'm going to use in place of plastic bags, etc as much as I can. I figure if I leave it in my car I'll be better at using it. The bags I regularly use have ended up hanging out in my farmers market basket, which is in my bedroom-not really convenient when you're at the store. My mother, who's a professional seamstress, took a look at my tote and said that my sewing, "has really improved". HIGH praise from her, believe me! I nearly fell over, but I just smiled and silently patted myself on the back :-) The tote seemed like it took all day, but I kept stopping to do things here and there like talk to my former next door neighbour who came by for a visit, eating lunch (homemade split pea soup), going online, etc.
Next up....a hot water bottle cover. That looks fairly basic and should be done within the hour. Well, that's the plan anyway. I need to be done before 8pm, so that I can relax and watch Amazing Race and then find out what the heck happened on Desperate Housewives. It's too bad that tonight is the last original episode (at least that's the rumour) unitl the writer's strike is over.
Only 20 days until Garth!!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Bunny le Rue has left the building-temporarily
As I write this I am reminded that this time last year we were all in shock from the sudden passing of our great friend, John. It still seems impossible that a year has gone by already. On Monday it will be a year since his funeral and yet it seems just like yesterday we all stood together and remembered our dear friend. Among the tears were also laughter with the memories of John living on long after he is gone. I still think back to things we did and laugh out loud. I have grown close to his mother and father and often see them around town and feel privileged to know them. I still feel his presence every now and then. When I hear a great Disco song; when I'm cooking something and have a question; when I 'm trying to coordinate some clothing or fabric, organizing my closets, etc. He is never very far. He is sorely, sorely missed. He still manages to cross my thoughts at least once or twice a day. Most of all I think of his smile and how brightly it shined.
Love You Juanito! :-)
Te amo, me amor
Vamos a bailar cuando la musica esta perfecta con sus amigos, me amor.
Deportes bien, juan! :-)
Note: After writing this yesterday, I decided to come back and edit a little. It felt a little too much like a final goodbye and that's not what it was meant to be at all, but a love letter to a dear friend.
Tomorrow it will be a year since we all said our final farewells-even at your funeral you made us laugh! Between the priest who you couldn't understand in either language, to the cell phone ringing in the middle of the priest asking a question about you (that got big laughs from our pew), to Hathor nonchalantly mentioning when it was time for the wine (can't remember what it's called) that this was your favourite part. When I said, "oh he liked this part?" She replied, "no, he finally got to drink some wine!" To us having a rather heated (but friendly) discussion about how many flowers to put in each vase and then how many vases to put on each table. After a while I finally said, "you know if John were here this wouldn't be a problem! He would just look at it and say _________" That got a good laugh. I also remember how you made me clean my closets for days on end starting as soon as I got back from the funeral, and even when I refused after the 3rd day of organizing you still made sure I got in a quick 10 minute session-then you went to Hathors house to help her out.
Hasta manana!
Love You Juanito! :-)
Te amo, me amor
Vamos a bailar cuando la musica esta perfecta con sus amigos, me amor.
Deportes bien, juan! :-)
Note: After writing this yesterday, I decided to come back and edit a little. It felt a little too much like a final goodbye and that's not what it was meant to be at all, but a love letter to a dear friend.
Tomorrow it will be a year since we all said our final farewells-even at your funeral you made us laugh! Between the priest who you couldn't understand in either language, to the cell phone ringing in the middle of the priest asking a question about you (that got big laughs from our pew), to Hathor nonchalantly mentioning when it was time for the wine (can't remember what it's called) that this was your favourite part. When I said, "oh he liked this part?" She replied, "no, he finally got to drink some wine!" To us having a rather heated (but friendly) discussion about how many flowers to put in each vase and then how many vases to put on each table. After a while I finally said, "you know if John were here this wouldn't be a problem! He would just look at it and say _________" That got a good laugh. I also remember how you made me clean my closets for days on end starting as soon as I got back from the funeral, and even when I refused after the 3rd day of organizing you still made sure I got in a quick 10 minute session-then you went to Hathors house to help her out.
Hasta manana!
Happy New Year and a quick catch-up of last years doings
Wow! I didn't realize it had been so long since i'd been here. Summer (the season) came and went and brought with it lots of laughter and fun and then we went into the holdiay craziness between halloween (which is not technically a holiday), Thanksgiving, Christmas and here we are the week after New Years.
One of Christine's friends (tara?) made this lovely little California Cookie. She actually made a man too, but I didn't get to see the end result.

Earlier in the month Summer hosted a Sunday Afternoon Tea and Book Exchange at her house. I was able to find both a hat ( a lovely white felt number) and a beautiful dress (from H & M) at the thrift store. The hat was all of $1.99 and the dress was "half price" coming in at a whopping $2.50! Not too shabby. I even bought a couple other dresses, but this one fit like it was made for me.That's me on the left and Christine in her borrowed hat looking fabulous as always. Boy, I tell ya growing your hair out AND wearing a hat might not be the great idea it's cracked up to be. I really wished someone had told me that my hair was sticking out like 2 little antenna's and maybe I should have pulled the hat down a little. Oh, well, it did look pretty nice all things considered. Especially since for me it was a "do-over" from summer's 80's themed birthday party where my outfit sucked! I had been wanting a do-over for a long time and since she wasn't going to have another 80's party I figured I'd better do it right for the tea party/book exchange.
The table layout for the tea party before it was demolished by hungry tea drinkers. Summer spent a lot of time making the food and labelling each thing. It was just gorgeous! You'd never know that a half hour before the party started that she was bailing water out of her bathroom!
So, let's see...going backwards...
*Movies with Margaret. We took advantage of having a couple of weeks off and went to see Ps. I love you. She loved it and cried-a lot; I liked it, but didn't cry. It just made me want to go to Ireland and continue my search for the perfect, fun male. Apparently, they're all living in Ireland.
*Movies with Margaret. We took advantage of having a couple of weeks off and went to see Ps. I love you. She loved it and cried-a lot; I liked it, but didn't cry. It just made me want to go to Ireland and continue my search for the perfect, fun male. Apparently, they're all living in Ireland.
*Dance Party at Christine's house. Turns out you can only do so many dances when you have monkey arms before they all start to look ridiculous. Great music and lots of laughs! Good Times.
* Crazy winds (80+ mph!) kick up ash from the Wildfires and make the sky an eerie brown colour, very reminiscent of what it looked like in July when the fire was at it's height-scary! They also kick up enough ash each day to completely cover your car and turn it black with ash and soot. Good news was that once you started driving it just blow right off.
I spent lots of time sewing thanks to the website lighting a fire under my sewing machine. I pledged to handmake all of my presents this year and am proud to say that I was able to accomplish that with minimal whining, crying and seam-ripping. Note: for some reason that i am unable to figure blogspot will let me add pictures of my projects, but i can't move them. So, in the interest of keeping an orginized blog I am not going to add them until they can live in the correct spot.
In the latter part of december I spent time with my friends Summer and Christine at Christine's fabulous new house having a craft and sewing day. Didn't get a lot done (due to a one hour apron taking about 6 hours to sew), but we had some great laughs, sang some Christmas Carols, ate a great lunch, and watched many amazing things come out of the kitchen.
There's Summer (left) and Christine (right) wearing the aprons I made for them. Summer's is from her 80's themed birthday party (it has strawberry shortcake fabric) and Christine's is from Christmas. She had just been lamenting how she wished she had an apron when she saw Summer pull out hers and watched me cut out one for a friend. Teehee...she didn't know i'd made one for her! I gave it to her right after she mentioned it and boy was she surprised!
Earlier in the month Summer hosted a Sunday Afternoon Tea and Book Exchange at her house. I was able to find both a hat ( a lovely white felt number) and a beautiful dress (from H & M) at the thrift store. The hat was all of $1.99 and the dress was "half price" coming in at a whopping $2.50! Not too shabby. I even bought a couple other dresses, but this one fit like it was made for me.

Everyone I know (okay, not really, but it was a lot of us, including me) had a birthday in late October through November.
For my birthday I wanted to go out dancing, so in the interest of not looking comletely scary, my friends met me at the mall and helped me pick out a swanky top to wear with my swanky jeans. We first went to dinner at the Sojourner restaurant and due to me not being able to eat cake there (or anywhere for that matter) one of my friends, Nancy got the waiter to make up a plate of orange slices drizzled with chocolate sauce and the whole waitstaff came over to sing happy birthday. Awwwwww! We then decided to brave a club that we thought would be fun, turns out our idea of fun and other peoples ideas were completely different. Since when did it become okay to be rude to people! I have never seen so many rude people in one place! Blech! Once we realized, simulaneously, that the dj had been playing the same song for the last 20 minutes and that we just couldn't tolerate all the nasty-attitudes we decide to wander a block over to another club that had a dance floor about the size of my kitchen. However, the dj was really good and we soon got our dancing mojo back (although, that being said, the dj did recycle some of the songs-in the same order about an hour later, much to our surprise and dismay). We met some, um, very interesting men that wanted to dance with us. Let's just say that...well, I don't even know waht to say about them, except that they were good dancers, but as for getting social clues...didn't get a one! Oh, well, we made it fun!
Thanksgiving turned out to be extrememely stressful! I decided not to cook a turkey this year simpy because they are very expensive (when you buy organic) and I don't really eat that much of it. So, all I did was prep, cook, clean for two whole days! NOT FUN! And because I didn't have a turkey to guide my cooking time I ended up with things that didn't finish at the same time. My cornbread dressing was too soggy; the butternut squash casserole was cold; the salmon was cold by the time it got to the table. And then...when I was done with the eating and yes, the washing of those damned dishes (again!) I still had to make the pie. I'd decided on a apple crisp, which can't really be made that much in advance, so I still had to make that after everything else. Never again! Oh, and keep in mind I also had made a homemade breakfast, so i'd made breakfast, the thanksgiving meal and then for fun made a desert also when all I wanted to do was sit the hell down! Note: Christmas and New Years were much better :-)
The cutest baby (sorry, no picture due to blogspot issue with moving photos) was born on October 31st! That's right, my friend Adriana had her own sweet little pumpkin on Halloween. Keep in mind this is after months and months, well, nine to be exact of her exclaiming that no way, no how was she going to have this baby on Halloween. She was scheduled to have him on November 2nd, but she ended up having to have him a few days early.
Christine had her birthday party. Christine decided that she'd have a karoke party for her birthday. Let's just say there was a lot of singing, dancing anda a whole lot of laughing. My cheeks hurt the next day from laughing so much. Christine's friends from back east, Ethan and Stacy came to visit. We hit it off so well, that we all wanted them to move out here! Somehow I don't think that's going to happen, but we're still going to dream.
Don't remember much about September, but a return to "normal". In other words the summer ended and it was time to get back to our regular jobs. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
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