Sunday, January 6, 2008

Raining Cats & Dogs!

My oh has been raining now for about 2-1/2 days straight. Last night it was pouring with rain so loudly that it kept waking me up. So far we haven't had any mudslides. We've certainly learned from the past mistakes when the hill has slid into the street and also a few years ago when a sink hole appeared and closed one part of our street for 3 years (while the city, county, etc decided who the road really belonged to before they fixed it!)

In spite of the rain, or maybe because of it, I got lots of things done today. I started out with my usual Sunday breakfast pancakes, read the LA Times, did some hand washing, sewed a really cute reversible headband, and made a reversible tote bag that I'm going to use in place of plastic bags, etc as much as I can. I figure if I leave it in my car I'll be better at using it. The bags I regularly use have ended up hanging out in my farmers market basket, which is in my bedroom-not really convenient when you're at the store. My mother, who's a professional seamstress, took a look at my tote and said that my sewing, "has really improved". HIGH praise from her, believe me! I nearly fell over, but I just smiled and silently patted myself on the back :-) The tote seemed like it took all day, but I kept stopping to do things here and there like talk to my former next door neighbour who came by for a visit, eating lunch (homemade split pea soup), going online, etc.

Next up....a hot water bottle cover. That looks fairly basic and should be done within the hour. Well, that's the plan anyway. I need to be done before 8pm, so that I can relax and watch Amazing Race and then find out what the heck happened on Desperate Housewives. It's too bad that tonight is the last original episode (at least that's the rumour) unitl the writer's strike is over.
Only 20 days until Garth!!

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