So many pictures...I'll let them tell the story...
Parade/float update:
Well here it is at last...the frame to my float is FINALLY done! And it only took 7 builders :-) It's currently up on blocks-though I'm not really sure why.

Heeee's baaaack. Len's back and working helping me with putting the "siding" up on my hut/shack/house. Thank goodness he has a carpenters knife because let me tell you...It took a lot of cutting to get the pieces of cardboard to fit properly. I have to say though, I LOVE the electric staple gun! Seriously, I think every home should have one! Best of all I could use either hand and it wasn't too stressful on my one hand that's still recuperating.

Here are the very first zuchini from my garden. The beans are starting to flower and going crazy. My one cucumber is still small, which is good,since the plant is not that tall. Tomatoes are flowering, maybe the "warmer tempetures will help everything out. Here's hoping.

Okay, so on Saturday (yesterday) I decided that I need to make a "work apron" for the Sosltice workshop so that I didn't have to worry about my clothes, so I decided to make a little MJF apron. I enlarged it to only 300% since I'm smallish. So long story short...I picked out fabric that I liked, but it was orange-a colour I don't wear, so I thought it made perfect sense. However, the more I sewed it the more I liked it and horror of horrors when I was done I couldn't believe how cute it was that I thought, "there's NO way I can get this dirty!"'s too cute! go figure! Now I have to make another one (see the workshop picture). Soooo. I started over. And three broken needles, 2 different spools of thread and 1 bobbin later i had a "new" work apron.

Well, it was an exciting week! I can't wait to get back to the workshop and get working on the float. I am enjoying making my aprons, broken needles aside (turns out it was the fabric and not me). I can't wait to make more aprons! And i'll add embellishments once I get more comfortable with everything.
Happy first full week of JUNE!
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