The lower pictures here show how the duplicate copies came out. The one on the left is the first copy and the right is the second one, which is very light. As it is I can use the left (original) one okay, but it makes the lines disappear if I'm in the light-which I usually am :-). I may have not held it on long enough or left the iron on long enough. I will try the red pencil in the next couple of days and let you know how that comes out-from what i've been reading it seems like that may be the way to go.

Now on to the garden...Things are growing really well, despite the lack of warmth or sun1 Go figure. Our "high" is about 63 and we're lucky if the sun makes any appearance at all. Sometimes we have to wait until 5 or 6 in the evening before we see anything at all. You know it hasn't been sunny for a while when we all start applauding when the sun comes out! :-) God! I can't wait for summer!! The picture on the left is the view from the end of the garden plot. As you can see the corn is really getting big. Everything is doing well and looks healthy. I even spotted my first cucumbers this week! See below, right.

Inspired by the shopping expedition with Grace and debi on Sunday I went to the thrift store today and wow, did I see things differently! I may have spent 19.86, BUT I got so many things and the most expensive was $1.95! That was for a bag of fabric, including some patriotic fabric that I thought would be good for a july 4th apron. Let's see...I found 6 sunny yellow cotton napkins that i'm going to embroider on (.95 cents for 2); a man's shirt to turn into an apron (thanks to georgann's directions)-1.85; a pair of light yellow swiss dot curtain thingys with a ruffle and white eyelet already attached that can be turned into an apron (.90 each); a novel; 4 sewing patterns- 2 bathing suit's, one dog costume (no, I don't own a dog, I just liked it), and a wrap-around skirt pattern-that I may have actually owned at some point in the 80's!)-.50 cents each; 2 pillow cases-1 for my pillow and one to make into a purse/bag (.95 each); a denim skort ("on sale" for .65 cents); a t-shirt (1.65); a cute little something for a ROAK prezzie; a spring-coloured tea towel(.95); a big sheet in nice colours for turning into aprons(1.50) and...can't remember the rest, but according to the receipt I bought 20 items (and the sunny yellow napkins came with 2 together). No matter how you slice it it was a good day at the thrift store:-)
As for the parade...well, as you can tell there are no pictures of the float. 'Why' you might ask...well, it's hard to take pictures of something that's not there. That's right...builder #6 (who was also builder #2) decided that it wasn't "right" and took the whoooooooooole thing apart including the wheels! Then...he had the cajones to tell me, "not to worry" in a very condisending tone. Bad idea!! I said to him, "actually, I am worried. when I left here everything was okay and now I come in today and find that the whole thing has been taken apart. I have a right to be concerned since everytime I turn around something has changed". I swear he was moments from patting me on the head and telling me not to worry me pretty little head about it. DUDE!! Not a good idea! I don't really care that you're a "good carpenter" and "a talented bamboo artist", just make my damn float and don't give me any guff!! He also proceeded to tell me what had happened to each of the previous builders and how he had "meant to build it himself" all along. Reeeeeeeeeeally, and that's why you disappeared for a week! Do I look dumb to you1? Okay, don't answer that. After this little "discussion" about how I shouldn't worry and it was under control I walked away for, I swear, not even 2 minutes and what do I see...mr builder man sitting down in the sun having a drink with his friends like he has no care in the world. I'm thrilled for him that he's so damned zen about it, but..........GET OFF YOUR DUFF AND BUILD THE DAMNED FLOAT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, deep breath.....so, now... we're onto builder # 7. Why? Builder #6 (mr zen builder) left for "a few days" and someone else took over. I talked to the workshop director about my frustrations and he agreed that it had taken entirely too long and he'd get someone on it. THANK YOU!! finally!!!!!!!!!!!!! So..when I went down the other day I had outside posts for the walls and one of the push bars had been built. Woohoo! Maybe in the next week I can actually do something on it. It's frustrating to have a day off (monday) and not be able to go to the workshop and get some major stuff done on your float! Another deep breath....Oh, and the skirts for the costumes....well, we're onto version # 4, maybe 5 I've lost count. They are turning out to be entirely too time consuming, so with each successive version it is getting simpler and simpler. I know it'll all come together soon, but when you work 2 jobs and you only have a small amount of time to work on the float and costumes it's difficult when nothing is happening. Oh, wait...I did start sewing my top :-) It's hand sewing so it's an easy to carry around project-although it is subject to shedding at any given moment-even though it's not supposed to.
I think that's everything...for right now :-). One more load of laundry is in the dryer and then I can finally sit down. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.
Only 1-1/2 days until June!!!!!!!!
Oh my gawd I almost forgot the exciting news!!! My one-way street, which has been closed in the middle for the past 2 years due to a sink-hole and small landslide into the neighbouring property, is...wait for it...OPENING TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally unexpected! We have waited over 2 years for anyone to even acknowledge our "little problem" let alone actually fix it. Then one day about 3-1/2 weeks ago (maybe more) the sign went up saying our street was closed-well, duh! and they began construction. It was supposed to take until June 13th, but I saw the asphalt guy taking away his equipment when I got home. Soooooooooo excited! We usually have 2 options in the morning: go to the stop sign closest to your house and cross your fingers that someone doesn't come around the blind turn too fast or go about half way down, make a right and go to the stop sign where you can see everything. Since the sink-hole we've only been able to go the stop sign/blind turn way,which is very scary. I can hardly wait to go down the street. Can we get a band?! Have a street opening party?! We NEED to have a celebration of some sort!!
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