Sunday, January 6, 2008
Raining Cats & Dogs!
In spite of the rain, or maybe because of it, I got lots of things done today. I started out with my usual Sunday breakfast pancakes, read the LA Times, did some hand washing, sewed a really cute reversible headband, and made a reversible tote bag that I'm going to use in place of plastic bags, etc as much as I can. I figure if I leave it in my car I'll be better at using it. The bags I regularly use have ended up hanging out in my farmers market basket, which is in my bedroom-not really convenient when you're at the store. My mother, who's a professional seamstress, took a look at my tote and said that my sewing, "has really improved". HIGH praise from her, believe me! I nearly fell over, but I just smiled and silently patted myself on the back :-) The tote seemed like it took all day, but I kept stopping to do things here and there like talk to my former next door neighbour who came by for a visit, eating lunch (homemade split pea soup), going online, etc.
Next up....a hot water bottle cover. That looks fairly basic and should be done within the hour. Well, that's the plan anyway. I need to be done before 8pm, so that I can relax and watch Amazing Race and then find out what the heck happened on Desperate Housewives. It's too bad that tonight is the last original episode (at least that's the rumour) unitl the writer's strike is over.
Only 20 days until Garth!!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Bunny le Rue has left the building-temporarily
Love You Juanito! :-)
Te amo, me amor
Vamos a bailar cuando la musica esta perfecta con sus amigos, me amor.
Deportes bien, juan! :-)
Note: After writing this yesterday, I decided to come back and edit a little. It felt a little too much like a final goodbye and that's not what it was meant to be at all, but a love letter to a dear friend.
Tomorrow it will be a year since we all said our final farewells-even at your funeral you made us laugh! Between the priest who you couldn't understand in either language, to the cell phone ringing in the middle of the priest asking a question about you (that got big laughs from our pew), to Hathor nonchalantly mentioning when it was time for the wine (can't remember what it's called) that this was your favourite part. When I said, "oh he liked this part?" She replied, "no, he finally got to drink some wine!" To us having a rather heated (but friendly) discussion about how many flowers to put in each vase and then how many vases to put on each table. After a while I finally said, "you know if John were here this wouldn't be a problem! He would just look at it and say _________" That got a good laugh. I also remember how you made me clean my closets for days on end starting as soon as I got back from the funeral, and even when I refused after the 3rd day of organizing you still made sure I got in a quick 10 minute session-then you went to Hathors house to help her out.
Hasta manana!
Happy New Year and a quick catch-up of last years doings
*Movies with Margaret. We took advantage of having a couple of weeks off and went to see Ps. I love you. She loved it and cried-a lot; I liked it, but didn't cry. It just made me want to go to Ireland and continue my search for the perfect, fun male. Apparently, they're all living in Ireland.
Earlier in the month Summer hosted a Sunday Afternoon Tea and Book Exchange at her house. I was able to find both a hat ( a lovely white felt number) and a beautiful dress (from H & M) at the thrift store. The hat was all of $1.99 and the dress was "half price" coming in at a whopping $2.50! Not too shabby. I even bought a couple other dresses, but this one fit like it was made for me.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
final count down...

Rebecca gets a sewing lesson from Michelle before being let loose in the costume area. She worked really hard and made a very cute skirt!
Sewing solo for the very first time...
Success! Almost done and still smiling.
Summer sewing the finishing touches. And, yes, she really was THAT happy to be finishing up.
Dance Rehearsal in the parking lot. 2 days to go...
Kristen giving her costume a first twirl. And yes, she actually wore it for the dance rehearsal.
Monica doing her best impression of a pretzel leans through the roof to put up the last (we hope) of the straw skirt/hut roofing.
Christine is finishing up drilling holes for the flamingo legs. A thankless job, but somebody had to do it. We had to lift the grass up to do it because once you drilled in the "grass" the hole closed up and you couldn't find it-very strange. Later Christine also finished up the bamboo fencing designed to keep the public off the grass..
Kim puts the final touches of paint and glitter on the float. Looks AWESOME!!
WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The float looked incredible! We had such an awesome group! Everybody pictched in and helped out with whatever was needed. No one complained and best of all their was a lot of comraderie and laughing.
four days to go...
Lordy it was hot!! I think this was the last day I wore my apron. I figured since we were done painting I could put it away for awhile. I sure did miss having the pockets though.
Here's my friend John. I was looking at this picture and thinking wow, he looks bigger than life, and then I realized...he really was that way. He had a smile that could quite honestly light up a room. His father has the exact same smile, which is a little strange sometimes. It's almost like seeing John as an older man.
Now, it's time for us to put our focus on costumes...
I bought this fabric for Adrienne while she was living in Oregon many months ago. I described it over the phone and ended up buying some in a similar colour for myself. Great fabric!! It had a lot of movement to it. Adrienne and her friend blair prepare to start the costume magic.
Costume fittings over...she likes it!!
...maybe we should add a little bit of tulle to the back...

final days before parade...
Sunday, July 1, 2007
One more week...and counting

My friend John, on the left, passed away in January. After many years of being together for Solstice (and knowing him for over 20 years) I just couldn't imagine not having him around this year. So, we had him blown up and a friend of ours cut him out so we could put him on the float. I used an old photo I had of the two of us and asked the photo lab if they wouldn't mind changing the shirt and scarf colour from red to pink for this. Happily they obliged. He is shown here with a beautiful banner of Dorothy, another parade mainstay for many many years who also passed away. Below he is getting prepared to be cut out. I have to say I did shed a few tears when this was going on and had to look away a few times. Keep reading all the way to the bottom for an amazing thing that happened once he was finished that day. ..