My friend John, on the left, passed away in January. After many years of being together for Solstice (and knowing him for over 20 years) I just couldn't imagine not having him around this year. So, we had him blown up and a friend of ours cut him out so we could put him on the float. I used an old photo I had of the two of us and asked the photo lab if they wouldn't mind changing the shirt and scarf colour from red to pink for this. Happily they obliged. He is shown here with a beautiful banner of Dorothy, another parade mainstay for many many years who also passed away. Below he is getting prepared to be cut out. I have to say I did shed a few tears when this was going on and had to look away a few times. Keep reading all the way to the bottom for an amazing thing that happened once he was finished that day. ..

"The Angel Tear. Did you feel it?", she said.
"Why are the angels crying? Are they sad?" I asked
"No, they're crying because they're happy", she says
So...fast forward to me working on getting John ready for the float and parade. I've been working on him for about an hour. He's been cut out, glued down, and I've just finished putting some twine-fabric stuff around the edges for a more finished look. I put John inside the float to protect him. I decided to sit on our fake grass and have a little snack before going home. While sitting on the grass I get a wet plop on my arm. My first thought is, Damn! A bird just pooped on me!, but I can't see anything but a clear bit of what looks like water on my arm. Then it hits me...IT'S AN ANGEL TEAR!!!
I quickly ran inside to get John's best friend and took her outside to tell her the story. What a great treat! It's nice to know he approved...of himself:-) and that he's happy with what we did.
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